Adriatic Woodwinds Festival 2nd Edition: 21-28 July 2024 Participation and Application
Terms and inscription
1. The second edition of the Adriatic Woodwinds Festival (AWD) will take place in Duino, (Italy) from the 21st to the 28th of July 2024. During AWF individual lessons, masterclasses, workshops, chamber music ensembles, and concerts will be held.
2. AWF is addressed to young musicians of woodwind instruments and is featured by the presence of teachers and soloists of international fame and career.
3. Musicians between 18 and 35 can apply to the Festival as effective participants: on the other hand, as listener participants, there is no age limit.
4. For the application process, applicants have to send his/her CV and a short video (program chosen by the applicant, maximum 10 minutes long) to the email address info@adriaticwoodwindsfestival.it, together with the proof of payment of the Registration Fee. Then, as soon as applicants’ materials are received, our Staff will contact back to complete the application process.
5.. The Festival registration fee must be settled/paid by 30th May 2024 by bank transfer.
6. It is mandatory to send the proof of registration fee payment to info@adriaticwoodwindsfestival.it together with the short video, otherwise, the application will not be considered valid.
7. The application deadline is on 30th May 2024.
8. The Festival, through the selection via video and CVs, carried out by the Artistic Director and the teachers, will send an official communication to all those who will be admitted to the Festival as active students. Only in this case, it will be necessary to pay the participation fee.
9. The maximum number of active students per instrument class is 10 people.
10. Applications for active participants will be accepted until there are places available. If the course is full, it will be possible to apply to the waiting list. In any case, the teacher will make the final decision for admission to the course.
11. Applications can also be accepted after the deadline if there are still places available.
Masterclasses and Activities
12. Individual lessons, ensemble, and chamber music courses are planned for the students, as well as concert performances. Each professor will decide which kind of seminars and workshops he/she wants to offer to the Festival students during the foreseen period.
13. Chamber music parts and groups will be communicated to the participants after the application deadline, two weeks before the beginning of the Festival.
14.. Professional piano collaborators will play with teachers and students at lessons and public performances.
15. Flute and Clarinet courses will be always assisted by a professional piano accompanist, who will be available every day for students’ lessons and individual rehearsals.
16. Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, and Saxophone students will be assisted by a professional piano accompanist during their courses for at least 3 lessons during the week of the Festival.
17. Enrolled active participants are entitled to:
- active participation in the chosen course (individual lessons – approx. 4/5 lessons for the entire period, at the option of the teacher – besides possible group lessons). Each teacher organizes their masterclass and timing individually;
- active participation in chamber music lessons and concerts (for the concerts, only on the recommendation of the masterclass teacher or of the artistic director);
- free entrance to all Adriatic Woodwinds Festival concerts;
- free use of all practice rooms and material exclusively and explicitly made available to participants;
- free participation in complementary courses;
- free participation as a listener to all other courses;
18. A certificate of participation will be provided to all students at the end of the course.
Pictures, Audio and Video
19. By applying to the masterclasses, the participant authorizes the Adriatic Woodwinds Festival to make video and/or audio recordings, to take pictures, to transmit by radio or TV broadcast any of their lessons, rehearsals, concerts organized either by the Adriatic Woodwinds Festival or by selected third-party organizations or individuals. In particular, the participant surrenders to AWF all the rights of said video and/or audio recordings and pictures for any use that might be relevant to the Festival. The AWF reserves the right to use all pictures, audio, and video recordings for promotional purposes related to the present edition of the Festival or future editions, or to release the audio and/or video recordings for demonstrating or promotional purposes.
20. Enrollment in the courses implies full acceptance of these terms of participation. In the event of any disputes, the terms of participation in the Italian language shall be legally binding. Participants waive all rights to initiate legal proceedings against the Festival. For matters not explicitly specified in the terms of participation, we refer to Italian law. The present terms and conditions of participation can be changed for organizational reasons; already enrolled participants will be informed about the changes.
Lodging and Meals
21. The students can stay at one of the Guesthouses of the United World College of the Adriatic (www.uwcad.it), two buildings near to the place where masterclasses and concerts will take place. As a partner in the initiative, the structure offers at a very affordable cost including the full board (accommodation and food).